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Welcome To Our Church

The Palace of PRIESTS ASSEMBLY was formed in 2016 to empower people to live as Kings and Priests in this end time (Rev 1:6; Rev 5:10). The ministry intends to build the church by building members that know their calling and are able to make the ministry fulfill its mission.

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How Can We Serve You?

Watch Sermons & Services

Hear God’s Word delivered by Pastor (Dr) Otive Igbuzor in our sermon archives. 

How Can I Be Saved?

The most important question you’ll ever ask that will affect you for eternity. 

Submit a Prayer Request

Need prayer? Submit your requests to our pastor for prayer.


Our Work to Further God's Kingdom

The Palace of PRIESTS ASSEMBLY was formed in 2016 to empower people to live as Kings and Priests in this end time (Rev 1:6; Rev 5:10). The ministry intends to build the church by building members that know their calling and are able to make the ministry fulfill its mission.


About Our Pastor

PASTOR (Dr) & Pastor (Mrs) Otive Igbuzor
Pastor @ Palace of Priests Assembly

The General Overseer of Palace of Priests Assembly and also the Executive Director at African Centre for Leadership, Strategy & Development (Centre LSD). He is also the Program Director of Priests Peace & Justice Initiative, the Social arm of Palace of Priests Assembly.

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Unite with our church, as we endeavor to inspire faith, hope, and love in our community and beyond – your journey towards changing the world can start with just one visit.